Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Can I add a Drupal site before changing a domain nameservers to Ecobytes?

Yes. You can first set it up as a subdomain of anchovy.bushmaster.ecobytes.net (e.g yourdomain.anchovy.bushmaster.ecobytes.net) and it should work automatically. Later on you can add the domains.

If the domains are managed by us, you should warn us in advance for properly setting up your domain. If you managed your own domain, make sure to set an A record pointing to (bushmaster IP address).

How do I upgrade a Drupal site?

Please follow the safe workflow for upgrading described here

How can I import a Drupal site into Aegir?

Please follow the Omega8 BOA documentation on importing your sites to AEGIR in 8 easy steps

What is the difference between the platforms Drupal 7.34.1 P.001, Drupal 7.34.1 D.001 and Drupal 7.34.1 S.001?

D, S and P stand for development, stage and production. They exist for supporting a secure workflow for development work, migration, upgrade, testing, before putting a site on production.

Do you have some documentation about the server? I already have a lot of questions!

Please refer to omega8.cc documentation on BOA, particularly:

  • https://omega8.cc/library/good-to-know
  • https://omega8.cc/library/aegir-basics-index
  • https://omega8.cc/library/development
  • https://omega8.cc/library/problems-solutions

And a must read for anyone doing sites development, migration or upgrades:

  • https://omega8.cc/the-best-recipes-for-disaster-139

Once I setup the basic site I will need to install Drush for every other task. Will this be straightforward?

Drush is already installed and available on your limited shell. Aliases for sites you create on the Aegir control panel are automatically generated.

Is VIM already installed?

Yes, vim is available on our default server installations.

Can I create git repositories?

Yes, please check some relevant documentation here: https://omega8.cc/git-or-platforms-based-workflow-in-aegir-251

How to install new modules?

You have to install modules on your SSH shell, either downloading them to the relevant sites folder or, even better using drush:

drush @site.domain dl module_name

Are the Drupal core and modules updates performed automatically by the system?

No. We update regularly the Drupal core and distributions available on Aegir, allowing for simplified migration/upgrade procedures. However, the users are responsible for keeping their sites updated, otherwise they can contract members of Ecobytes to do it.

We nevertheless want to work together with our community in providing support and adequate documentation for this and we will keep the most recent platforms always available on the system, so that you can easily migrate to them.

What are the SSH/SFTP settings (e.g. for Filezilla)?

Server name: bushmaster.ecobytes.net or boa.ecobytes.net (depending on which farm you're in)

Port: 22

User: Usually anchovy.YOURUSERNAME

How do I download the database?

To get a copy of your database, either:

a) follow the drush way:

drush @site.domain sql-dump > ~/my-sql-dump-file-name.sql

and download your file via SCP/SFTP.

b) use the Aegir control panel to get a full backup, which can be easily used to restore the site on the same or another Aegir instance:

  1. navigate to your site
  2. create a backup
  3. go to the backups tab after it's finished
  4. click on "export" for the backup you want
  5. click on "get" to download your backup

How do I create a new database and import an existing database?

You can upload the database just as any other files using your SSH/SFTP access. After this, there are several ways to get your database to your site. Drush and the automatically generated alias by Aegir offers a simple procedure:

drush @site.domain sql-drop
drush @site.domain sql-cli < website-dump.sql

How can I change the SSH password?

You can login to your shell via SSH and issue the "passwd" command.


Here you can easily contribute any notes you have taken from the first day of the course (Sunday)

Open pad in a separate window


Here you can easily contribute any notes you have taken from the second day of the course (Monday)

Open pad in a separate window


Here you can easily contribute any notes you have taken from the third day of the course (Tuesday)

Open pad in a separate window


Dear participants,

we were discussing about the different form of economics. I think that we can found some helpful material (book, posters, video, etc) in the following link: http://kickitover.org/

Have fun with that!

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen