Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta



  • Select an appropriate location:

    • best if barrierfree acessible and and free of distraction.

    • It would be nice if it allows people to come early or stay afterwards.

    • make sure that there will be enough space(s) for people to gather, preferably different rooms for eating, sleeping and the program itself (consider how much space you need according to planned activities)

    • organise things so that we take care of a few basic coherence with degrowth like organising a compost spot, get bicycles, recycling bins, local organic vegetables, bulk organic cereals or other seeds (see Wojtek dictionnary)

  • Check the materials that is needed: flipcharts, moderation cards, pens

  • General logistics (food, accommodation, transportation, etc.)

    • Get everything, what you need beforehand, also think about alcohol and sweets, to avoid unnessary drive arounds with cars.

    • What can we avoid buying/paying (asking around the network, to the participants, renting bus VS sharing cars, etc.)

  • collect the donations from participants right at the beginning, during registration

  • Press release: Send in beforehand to the local and national press  something about your GROWL course. For national press you have to send  it more in advance. Use the press contacts of your organisation. Dont  minimize the importance of the GROWL course „This isn't anyway  interesting for the press, too small...“ Send it to every contact and  one might come back to you. We  are building a european network on degrowth Trainers. This has not  happenend before and might have a big impact in a few years. So let's  celebrate it and communicate it to the outside!


    • set up a registration form for all course atenders, including locals (incl. specific fields for TTT part).

      • Ask the participants to write a few things about them, their interests in the topic and in degrowth.

    • Communicate with the participants about general information on tthe meeting venue, the program... ask for suggestions/contributions (Nikola has a template, will post the basis)

    • Adapt the form of recruitment, advertising and communication to different target audiences.

    Make sure there is a gender balance within the course, as well there is space for "newcomers" and already very active networking people who can serve as multipliers in their networks.
  • if possible, bring participants and locals together, not just for exchange but also for challenging discussions and contradictions. Let participants know, what local struggles are about and how people deal with then
  • start the day with morning circle to discuss oganisational practicalities, so they don't get in the way of course content

Course Structure

  • Have an overview about modules: core module, optional thematic module, TTT-module.

  • Create a schedule with the different modules.


  • plan at least half day (better one full day) for Train the Trainer and Network day

  • leave 1,5 hour to explain who GROWL works as well how the plattform work to make sure people are technically able to stay in touch

  • make sure that in the beginning there is a short but clear explanation, with some visuals, what GROWL is about

  • plan 1-2 hours (best in the evening) for future trainers home assignment presentation (Check beforehand how many future trainers will be there (important for registration form!))

  • leave longer breaks ( 2 hours) on midday and leave the evening program quite open to allow participants to interact more or contribute on their own to the program

  • leave a space in the program, where things from "fridge" ( question coming up during the discussions, which cannot be answered within the course) can be talked and more deepened. Suggestion: 3 hs open space on the last day or evening



  • criteria to become a future trainer

  • how to register and keep in contact

    • access to resources (modules, methodologies, other experiences)

    • user support (partners, other trainers, both global and local communities)

    • feedback, collaboration, peer review


  • have a camera for videoa and fotos each available plus min. 1 person to deal with it
  • have a battery extra
  • bring a microphone to capture audio on discussions
  • set up a computer during the course where people can directly upload fotos and minutes
  • get the extracts from external speakers already beforehand, Power point, texts etc.
  • upload the documentation as a course reader during the following 4 weeks after the course on the platform
  • try to include feedback already in the documentation, extract methodologies and load the up extra in the trainers area under "methodolgies"


Degrowth Issues can be quite complex and reviel a lot of emotions and contradictions among groups. Therefore it is useful to know some methods, which allows groups to have constructive discussions, which include all opinions and people, instead of endless talks in plenary, where just a few speak and rest sleeps away.

In this section you can find some methods, we experienced through different GROWL courses as senseful group methodologies.

Warm Up Games

Rules for moderation/open plenary discussion

World Café

Fish Bowl Discussion

Small working groups

Marketplace of opportunities


Opinion Line

Collective Mapping

Open Space

Pro-Active Café

Café Philo


Each course consists out of different formats, which apply also to different types of learners and make a whole course more interesting and diverse. We made good experience to mix within the courses practical, theoretical and artistical approaches, as well as indoor and outdoor activities.

It depends also very much on the spot and season, how the whole course is composed.

Here are some suggestions and hints how to organise certain activites which are more than simple methods


Food and Cooking Event


Since degrowth is about exploring a convivial way of living, we also tried to include as many convivial moments as possible within our courses. Here you can find some methods which bring people quickly together without using a lot of ressources.

Dances, Circle dances



Dance and Emotion


Folk Revolution now!!


In some GROWL courses the course organisers developed already modules, you can use straight away to set up 1,2 or 3 day workshop on a specific topic. These workshops are already very interlinked with the degrowth topic, include several ressources ( authors, texts), strategies, methods and general facilitation links.

Performance workshop on accelaration ( NEWW)

Workshop Selfreflection on accelaration

Workshop Experience ( in) efficiency and skilled society

Introduction and Refeflection on Degrowth- 4 Modules in Reading and Writing for critial Thinking ( Society and Economy Trust)

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen