Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


dies ist nur ein Platzhalter

AnprechpartnerStrasse und NummerPLZ und Wohnort
 Tegtmeyerstr. 1130453 Hannover
 Buchenweg 437079 Göttingen
 Am Rasen 2037214 Witzenhausen
 Leopoldstrasse 25780807 München
 Dornberger Str. 25333619 Bielefeld
 Hauptstr. 22b57610 Ingelbach
 Carl-Ludwig Str. 1437213 Witzenhausen
 Rote-Hahnen-Gasse 293047 Regensburg
 Rote-Hahnen-Gasse 293047 Regensburg
 Königsallee 41a37081 Göttingen
 Gronaustr. 1242285 Wuppertal
 Berliner Ring 6772076 Tübingen
Birgit Vogel, Robert Eder  
 Grossbeerenstr. 1510963 Berlin
 Utrechterstr. 3813347 Berlin
 Brahmstraße 5195448 Bayreuth
 Hinterm Berg 227726 Worpswede
 Steinkaempe 5727580 Bremerhaven
 Stolze-Schrey-Straße 1155124 Mainz
 Im Uhrig 2860433 Frankfurt am Main
 Tannscharn 2191448 Emskirchen
 Sieben Linden38489 Beetzendorf
 Apothekenstr. 237115 Duderstadt
 Heinrich-Heine-Str. 79E40721 Hilden
Podbielskistr. 11230177 Hannover
Frank Braun, Anna HielscherKönigstr. 6490402 Nürnberg

Hey ihr Liebsten,

der Frühling ist da!!!

Kommt und schneidet Bäume im Kirschenstädtchen Witzenhausen

Liebste Grüße ihr Süßkirschen


Notes from the first morning block of day 1 - you're welcome to add anything missing!
Ground rules:
  • Voluntary principle - you are not forced to take part on something or talk, if you don't want to
  • Concise speaking
  • Be present
  • Tech corner, for people who want to sit down with computers/smart devices on their laps
  • Punctuality
  • One moderates, one person speaking at a time
  • respect hand signs, follow the order, don't interrupt
  • keep focused on the topic
  • if you have something to say that goes away from the topic, take down your notes (offline or online ;))
And some work conditions:
  • Take/share your notes on the sessions online (contact Gualter if you need guidance)
  • Drinks: coffee, vodka, etc.
  • Fresh air between the sessions
  • Have a space for reflection/criticism/
  • I speak on my name/behalf (my opinion), not on on the name of someone else (e.g my group, the animals, humanity)


  • climate

  • lack of scientific understanding

  • monotheistic morality (dominance)

  • difficult tot change ways of productions

  • economic hegemony

  • social status (eat meet)

  • care profit not land

  • conflicts about land (agriculture, cities, etc)

  • fuels – huge transportation – lost the link to production

  • dissatisfaction of status quo (destroying bases of our life


  • change in food system W Europe & N America - transportation of food – technological changes – logistics – supermarkets – all about profit

  • hunger (big influence) – is technology helping to fight hunger? - lots of technology & lots of hunger maybe because of finance?

  • Narrative of fear of feminine that creates a world with technology and hunger (paradox)

  • Availability of resources (goes with climate)

  • demography – cities and production

  • economy

  • eating habits


  • conspicuous consumption (people want to have at least or more than their neighbor have for example chocolate or coffee, jealousy)

  • advertisement (TV, movies, wants vs needs)

  • maximization of profits

  • agriculture is not a way to feed people but also part of finance

  • culture if food

  • legal and cultural varies


  • capitalistic system

  • economic growth

  • industrialization

  • mass agriculture

  • planet – climate change (it affects food production)

  • new and old technology (opportunities and threats)

  • globalization (multinational companies)

  • immigration (due to hunger)

  • public polices (global and national)

  • localization of production vs delocalization

  • recognition of farmers work (cities and studying used to be more appealing but now due to crisis young people in south return to the countryside)

  • concept of fast foods

  • biofuels while world hunger


  • population growth

  • industrialization and technology

  • the WW2 and how the agriculture was rebuilt in Europe after that due to different political regimes and cultures

  • also during communist regimes


  • capitalism and profits

  • culture and now fast food

  • political change (monarchy collapsed)

  • immigration

  • policies about agriculture

  • characteristic of human beings (conflict about that: can it change? Is it only in west? Is about capitalism? Is it global?)


timeline – specific moments that changed the production and distribution of agriculture

"Native America before European Colonization" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FItlStGMY4)

modern times

Haber-Bosch process - 1918;

the explosive industries of ww2 started to produce agricultural nutritions stuff

fossils fules in agriculture

gmos or alternative ways of production?

Jean Pain: (1950's) compost and production of energy through methane produced of compost. Simple farm model why not spread it? Also MUST SEE: The Power of Compost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVCaczil4W4

Masanobu Fukuoka: new ways of farming that can be incorporated in agriculture alternatives

Bill Millison: permaculture – not only food but also our space

CSA Bogoria Park - Presentation and CSA - Startup manual:


Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen