Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


the presentation of the workshop is here: https://degrowth.co-munity.net/social-dimension-agroecology/materials/degrowth-content-inter-thinking-degrowth-developing-dialogue

Several working groups discussed different approaches: scales, strategies, limits to growth, actors, & sources. A rapporteur was assigned

Results from each working group are uploaded here


On Novembre 13 2014, the day starts with a presentation by François and I of what is the social dimension of agroecology. I began with some slides to give the definitions of agroecology. Please, find these slides as attached file.



Input from Idee Reseau

There are always all types in the courses so make sure your methologies are designed to activate as many people as possible

Left Brain

Information: I value knowledge

Experience: I value action

Right Brain:

Imagination: I value intuition

Feelings: I value sensitivity

Statements and suggestions to make it a more holisitic learning approach cursiv

Experience: I value action

practical farm work / bigger picture; more information about the sense and use/connection to degrowth

being with children ( experience learning with simple natural tools)



making wallet from tetra paks

eating good food together



morning workouts

batatist movement

field trips

green houses (le debut)

Information: I value knowledge

project of other participants/ more visualisation,wall paper to help informal discussion during the week

field trips/ visit less projects and get into practical work there; link ,ore deeply with people and places/ link it to the degrowth aspect

radiation of phone and wifi

informal discussions

cost of prisoner a day


-on degrowth/

-agroecology/ link it to roleplay/visualisation/make interconnectivness feel/ put the holistic aspects as a red line through the whole course

-reading on degrowth

cafe phil

info in cultural center/open a discussion peer to peer based, exchange between activist knowledge and write it on posters to have informal discussion ongoing during dinner, less details, more focus on how to help and be solidare with long distance/ work in small groups instead of too long talking in circle

Imagination: I value intuition

Field trips/ work on structures and logistics beforehand for the trip, make sure there are safe spaces on the projects

Donkey whisperer/ want to discuss more about it

akcnolodge of presence of oppressive structures

harsh conditions


visiting wery weron settlement

le debut: freely building stuff

cooking (with dannie)

art in dining room


meeting with inhabitants

children on the course

eat good food together

Feelings: I value sensitivity


meeting and talking to other participants

planes over brussels


eat good food

toch the hot compost



way of life in "le debut"

talking to inhabitants in wery weron


les pilifs info / show a video with concrete stories and persons

feedback on feelings from trainers and batatistas

Dance and emotions ( low treshold entrance for more cognitive people)

walking around

discussion in the dark (batatistas)

cafe philo

physical and body work

no possibility for caring of yourself (rain cold no home) on field trip

empasising with organizers team

too much to handle / more structure and rationality needed


On Novembre 14 2014, we visited the farm Nos Pilifs. The day was so rich that we didn't had time to make a full synthesis of what we have seen. Here is the my powerpoint that I couldn't show you at that time about the activities of the farm that could be related to the agroecology.



Dear Growl Friends,

Here is two PPT slides. The first is a summary of the TTT exercice we've made on Saturday Novembre 15 in the morning. The second is the presentation of the Réseau IDée.


Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen