Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Focus on social and democratic energy supply

Question: saving energy is expensive?

Improvements: energy consulting for free (financed by state/community), efficiency cooperatives

Energy as common good (like water). Community provides energy supply, non-profit

Discussion: do we assume that 100% renewables is technically possible? Implicit consensus: yes.

→ focus only on social issues

stakeholders of energy supply

consumers: industry, private households

producers: regional energy supply

question: may energy supply be controlled by price in a degrowth society? Market yes or no?

Energy supply must be accessible for everyone, but energy budgets depending on demand could be feasible



  • energy consulting free of charge (financed solidarily) → efficiency gains

  • efficiency cooperatives (contracting)


  • regional democratic decision on energy production & distribution

  • free basic private energy consumption according to needs

  • energy supply as common good (no profit)

  • democratic control of industrial energy needs







Shaping public opinion


  • Introduce sufficiency education

  • Practice: school gardens

  • Theory: documentaries, information material, workshops

  • communicate it as „basic education „no special course“ e.g. „global awareness.

  • Offer Alternatives

  • use campaigns to present sufficiency in a positive way

  • Individual ecological footpring limit


  • increase transparency for consumers (if it can be implemented now or later was a controversial)



  • Focus on local policies to allow participatory bottom-up processes

  • Sufficiency politics as a process of social engineering – piecemeal approach instead of starting with a masterplan

  • Harvest low hanging sufficiency fruits first – recognise sufficiency-supporting policies in „mainstream“ policy fields that already enjoy support for other reasons

  • acceptance of informational instruments and economic instruments higher than of command + control

  • check: where are blockades for sufficiency in the tax and subsidy system

  • expression „good life“ instead of „sufficiency“

Political Instruments


  • ecological tax reform (including energy and resources), while adressing social impacts

  • improve functioning of emission trading system

  • introduce speed limits (120 highwasy, 30 city, 80 elsewhere)

  • progressive electricity tarifs

  • right to lower working hours

  • prolong warranty periods


  • 30 hour working week

Feedback from other groups on our results from yesterday:

- what about creating incentives for the right/disincentives for the wrong companies.

- nice dreams, but who/where are the actors to implement it

- how can the suggestions be realised in individualised society

- should'nt subsides be shifted

- tax resource extraction and wealth, not income

- focus on education

- what's the role of public …

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen