Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta

Wann: Dienstag, Feb 9, 2016, 18:00 - 20:00

Campus Center, Hörsaal 5

Moritzstraße 18, Kassel

Die Vortragsveranstaltung findet im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe "Leben in der Zeiten der multiplen Krise - Welchen Einfluss hat die Finanz- und Eurokrise auf Politik, Ökonomie und Gesellschaft?" des FB05 Gesellschaftswissenschaften statt.

Die wöchentliche Veranstaltung wird von Studierenden organisiert und findet noch bis zum 9. Februar 2016 jeden Dienstag von 18 bis 20 Uhr im Hörsaal 5 des neuen Campus Centers (Moritzstr. 18) statt. Referentinnen und Referenten aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft geben dort Einblicke in aktuelle Krisendynamiken und stellen sich den Fragen des Publikums.

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich sowohl an Studierende und Lehrende aller Fachbereiche als auch an interessierte Gäste aus Kassel und Umgebung. Sie ist in Kooperation mit der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Hessen und mit freundlicher Unterstützung von der GEW, der Böckler-Stipendiaten-Gruppe und dem Asta der Universität Kassel entstanden.

Referent: Ulrich Brand

Facebook Event Link

Wann: Freitag, Feb 12, 2016, 19:30 - 22:30

Brückenstrasse 20, Witzenhausen, 37213, Germany

Wann: Freitag, Feb 26, 2016, 10:00 - 16:00


Emile Feronstraat 70, 1060 Bruxelas

Add to Calendarhttps://co-munity.net/de/node/200551102-26-2016 09:00:0002-26-2016 15:00:0035Collaborative inclusion: how migrants-residents collaboration can produce social values. A reflexive design exercise.The migration issue is here to stay. Europe is the place-to-go for several millions of women and men. This will not change in the next decades. The challenge is to think about this not as a threat, but as an opportunity. That is, to imagine how migration can become a driver of innovation towards a younger, more dynamic, more cosmopolitan and, at the end of the day, more resilient Europe. No one knows whether, and how, this positive perspective could become real. The only wise move to do is to consider this broad view, i.e. the possibility of a new cosmopolitan Europe, as a design-orienting scenario: a shared vision on the basis of which to experiment local solutions, to discuss them and to use them to feed a broad social learning process. And this is what we attempt here. "Collaborative inclusion" is a reflexive design exercise to explore how collaboration between migrants and residents can strengthen the social fabric. More precisely, we look at what kinds of collaborative services (intended as result-oriented collaborations among different actors) can produce social, cultural and economic value. Who should participate We only ask that participants do their best be critical, creative and committed. No specific information or competence on migration issue is required. We believe we all have firsthand experience at coming to terms with migration. Many of us are migrants (especially in Brussels!); the others are part of host communities. We are all citizen experts. Additionally, some of us have extra skills (design) or experiences (hosting newcomers in their homes). We specifically welcome: refugees or ex-refugees. people who can translate to and from Arabic. people who are involved in projects aimed at facilitating the welcome and insertion of migrants and refugees (example: there are many projects in the Techfugees project directory). designers. We already have some participants in all these categories, but the more the better! This workshop is lead by: * Ezio Manzini. Designer, interested in social innovation and sustainability. Collaborates with the OpenCare project: http://opencare.cc/ More on Ezio: http://bit.ly/1OPRlZZ * Yara Al Adib. Designer. Originally from Syria. More about Yara: https://edgeryders.eu/en/users/yara-al-adib * Gido Van Den Ende. Expert on the history of migration in Europe. Currently hosting refugees in his Dilbeek home. * Vishall Jankie and Stefanos Monastiridis, designers at Namahn. The Syrian Squad. More information is coming on them, check back soon. How to get a ticket? Tickets for the event do not cost money, but you need to complete some small tasks. It's easy! 1. Sign up for an account here: http://bit.ly/1SKCYtZ 2. Register for the event on this page: http://bit.ly/20t9iCP 3. Leave a comment on the page introducing yourself. 4. Someone will say hello and suggest a task you can help with to get your ticket. 5. When you finish the task, we will send you the ticket 6. Khalas! See you at the workshop on 26/2!SMartBeEmile Feronstraat 70, 1060 BruxelasfalseDD/MM/YYYY

The migration issue is here to stay. Europe is the place-to-go for several millions of women and men. This will not change in the next decades. The challenge is to think about this not as a threat, but as an opportunity. That is, to imagine how migration can become a driver of innovation towards a younger, more dynamic, more cosmopolitan and, at the end of the day, more resilient Europe.

No one knows whether, and how, this positive perspective could become real. The only wise move to do is to consider this broad view, i.e. the possibility of a new cosmopolitan Europe, as a design-orienting scenario: a shared vision on the basis of which to experiment local solutions, to discuss them and to use them to feed a broad social learning process. And this is what we attempt here.

"Collaborative inclusion" is a reflexive design exercise to explore how collaboration between migrants and resi

dents can strengthen the social fabric. More precisely, we look at what kinds of collaborative services (intended as result-oriented collaborations among different actors) can produce social, cultural and economic value.

Who should participate

We only ask that participants do their best be critical, creative and committed. No specific information or competence on migration issue is required. We believe we all have firsthand experience at coming to terms with migration. Many of us are migrants (especially in Brussels!); the others are part of host communities. We are all citizen experts. Additionally, some of us have extra skills (design) or experiences (hosting newcomers in their homes). We specifically welcome:

refugees or ex-refugees.
people who can translate to and from Arabic.
people who are involved in projects aimed at facili

tating the welcome and insertion of migrants and refugees (example: there are many projects in the Techfugees project directory).
We already have some participants in all these categories, but the more the better!

This workshop is lead by:

* Ezio Manzini. Designer, interested i

n social innovation and sustainability. Collaborates with the OpenCare project: http://opencare.cc/ More on Ezio: http://bit.ly/1OPRlZZ

* Yara Al Adib. Designer. Originally from Syria. More about Yara: https://edgeryders.eu/en/users/yara-al-adib

* Gido Van Den Ende. Expert on the history of migration in Europe. Currently hosting refugees in his Dilbeek home.

* Vishall Jankie and Stefanos Monastiridis, designers at Namahn.

The Syrian Squad. More information is coming on them, check back soon.

How to get a ticket?

Tickets for the event do not cost money, but you need to complete some small tasks. It's easy!

1. Sign up for an account here: http://bit.ly/1SKCYtZ
2. Register for the event on this page: http://bit.ly/20t9iCP
3. Leave a comment on the page introducing yourself.
4. Someone will say hello and suggest a task you can help with to get your ticket.
5. When you finish the task, we will send you the ticket
6. Khalas! See you at the workshop on 26/2!

Wann: Freitag, Mär 4, 2016, 15:00 - 17:00

Transition Laden, Brückenstraße 20, 37213 Witzenhausen

Co-Munity ist DIE Platform, auf der unsere interne Kommunikation basiert. Leider ist die Bedienung manchmal wenig intuitiv und manche Menschen fühlen sich überfordert mit der Verwendung. Gualter wird an diesem Tag euren Fragen Rede und Antwort stehen und versuchen, euch in die Bedienung der Platform einzuführen.

Bitte schreibt Gualter eine e-Mail an gualter@ecobytes.net falls ihr teilnehmen wollt. Und falls ihr schon Fragen wisst, die ihr unbedingt beantwortet haben wollt: Schreibt sie mit in eure E-Mail! Umso mehr Fragen Gualter vorab bekommt desto besser kann er sich auf diesen Termin vorbereiten. Bitte schreibt ihm auch, an welchem Termin ihr teilnehmen möchtet!

Damit möglichst viele Menschen teilnehmen können wird noch ein zweiter Termin in der Woche darauf am Donnerstag angeboten.

Falls möglich bringt bitte eure Computer mit, sodass ihr das gezeigte an der Platform nachvollziehen könnt.

Wann: Donnerstag, Jun 2, 2016, 17:00 - 21:00
Wiederholungen jeden Monat im März, April, Mai, Juni am erste(r) Donnerstag bis zum Do Jun 02 2016.

Gemeinsam mit euch reparieren wir eure Elektrogeräte und Computer. Bei kleinen Snacks und Getränken wollen wir versuchen uns gegenseitig Hilfestellung zu geben, nicht nur bei der Reparatur sondern auch beim Verständnis wie die Dinge funktionieren, die uns umgeben.

Wir freuen uns auch immer über Werkzeugspenden! Bitte bringt sie nicht einfach so zum Transition Haus, sondern zu den Reparatur-Café Zeiten.

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen