Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


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Liebe Sarina und Irina,

ich aktualisiere grade die Mitgliederliste. Seid ihr Mitglied im Transition Town Witzenhausen Verein? Wenn ja, bitte schickt mir eure Mailadresse, da ich euch sonst nur über die Plattform erreiche. Heute abend um 18 uhr ist Mitgliederversammlung. entschuldigt, dass ihr nicht eingeladen wurdet, ich habe die aktuelle Mitgliederliste nicht gehabt.

Freue mich wenn es dennoch klappt, und ihr heute kommt.

liebe Grüße



Dear everyone,

Wojtek and I are going to this conference, come too!! It's a nice opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, and with very little financial contribution.

Would be lovely to see you there (there are still some free places esp. for Greece and Poland).

We gladly invite you to participate in our conference on education for a socio-ecological transformation! 

What? The conference brings together actors of non-formal education, activists, researchers and other actors of transition from Germany, Greece and Poland. Together they shall share their knowledge, exchange best-practice examples and discuss the question: Which education do we need for a socio-ecological transformation? The results of the conference shall be fed back into the participants’ (educational) work.

Why? We believe there is need for a more democratic, solidary and sustainable way of living and doing business in Europe and the World, one that has overcome the growth paradigm and has a “good life for all” at its core. Education can play a vital role in this transformation process. However, how should non-formal (and formal) education be designed in order to contribute to a socio-ecological transformation? What are the values, contents and methods of such education? Which pedagogic and didactic tools have proved their worth? 

How? We wish to work process-oriented and actively involve the participants. We would like to have a mix of theoretical input (key note speech), group work, and open space methods. In addition, there will be an excursion and space for integration and conviviality.

When? 30/11 – 04/12/2016

Where? International Youth Meeting Centre Krzyżowa, Poland

Who? 36 educators, activists, researchers, practitioners from the field of de-growth and sustainable living from Germany, Greece and Poland

Costs? There is a participation fee per person which includes full-board accommodation:

  • Germany: 50€
  • Greece: 20€
  • Poland: 20€

Additionally, participants receive a grant per person to cover their travel expenses:

  • Germany: 80€
  • Greece: 250€
  • Poland: 50€

Shuttle Bus? Please note that there is the possibility of using a shuttle bus from Berlin to Krzyżowa. It brings participants straight to the venue and is free of charge.

We wish to reduce the ecological footprint of the event. That is why we ask participants to pool together and travel by bus or train, as far as possible. We can assist you with directions.


Dear everyone,

Wojtek and I are going to this conference, come too!! It's a nice opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, and with very little financial contribution. Would be lovely to see you there (there are still some free places esp. for Greece and Poland).


We gladly invite you to participate in our conference on education for a socio-ecological transformation! 

What? The conference brings together actors of non-formal education, activists, researchers and other actors of transition from Germany, Greece and Poland. Together they shall share their knowledge, exchange best-practice examples and discuss the question: Which education do we need for a socio-ecological transformation? The results of the conference shall be fed back into the participants’ (educational) work.

Why? We believe there is need for a more democratic, solidary and sustainable way of living and doing business in Europe and the World, one that has overcome the growth paradigm and has a “good life for all” at its core. Education can play a vital role in this transformation process. However, how should non-formal (and formal) education be designed in order to contribute to a socio-ecological transformation? What are the values, contents and methods of such education? Which pedagogic and didactic tools have proved their worth? 

How? We wish to work process-oriented and actively involve the participants. We would like to have a mix of theoretical input (key note speech), group work, and open space methods. In addition, there will be an excursion and space for integration and conviviality.

When? 30/11 – 04/12/2016

Where? International Youth Meeting Centre Krzyżowa, Poland

Who? 36 educators, activists, researchers, practitioners from the field of de-growth and sustainable living from Germany, Greece and Poland

Costs? There is a participation fee per person which includes full-board accommodation:

  • Germany: 50€
  • Greece: 20€
  • Poland: 20€

Additionally, participants receive a grant per person to cover their travel expenses:

  • Germany: 80€
  • Greece: 250€
  • Poland: 50€

Shuttle Bus? Please note that there is the possibility of using a shuttle bus from Berlin to Krzyżowa. It brings participants straight to the venue and is free of charge.

We wish to reduce the ecological footprint of the event. That is why we ask participants to pool together and travel by bus or train, as far as possible. We can assist you with directions.


Liebe Silvia, lieber Clement, Farid, Hans, Jon, Jonas und Lukas,

anbei das Protokoll von gestern.

Schaffen wir es, uns dieses Jahr nochmal zu treffen? Ich schlage vor:

1. Montagnachmittag, 2. Montagabend, 3. Dienstagnachmittag, 4. Dienstagabend, 5. Mittwochabend, 6. Donnerstagnachmittag, 7. Donnerstagabend

Da wir uns als Hausgruppe zusammengefunden haben, würde ich gerne unsere Rolle und Kompetenzen definieren und diese zusammen mit dem Verein absegnen. Außerdem fände ich es hilfreich, einen Fahrplan für die nahe Zukunft zu erstellen, d.h. welche konkreten Aufgaben stehen an und mit welcher Priorität wollen wir diese bearbeiten. Ich schlage vor, uns regelmäßig, nach Möglichkeit wöchentlich, zu treffen.

Ok soweit!

Viele Grüße, Ben

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen