Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


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Dear all,

In reply to Konstantina's request for the materials (over e-mail), here I share with you the correct links through which you can access all Czech course materials AND communicate with other course participants:


Other courses information and participants are also available at the courses area of GROWL.

Other materials in development (modules, methodologies, etc.) are also available online at the trainers area for those of you that applied to become GROWL trainers (soon also for the general public). You are welcome to use them, provide feedback, edit them with improvements, add new relevant information, etc. These materials are produced by you, trainers and learners of GROWL :)

Have nice holidays (if you have the right/wish to them) and new year. 2015 will GROWL! ;)



Dear participants of the Czech course,

I finally managed to put you all inside the sharing space for the course on the co-munity platform. I'm sorry this took so long, but the organisation of the degrowth conference soaked all the time.

Although you already had access to this space before, where the course materials have been posted, now you can also contribute to it, by adding, for example, notes that you collected, pictures you made, giving feedback on the course or simply taking part in discussions on the course forum or the general forum of GROWL.

You can at any time send notifications per e-mail to certain people or the whole group. To do so, simply select the appropriate options on the "notifications" box when you publish something.




Dear participants and organisers,

You are now part of the online community of the GROWL course on Degrowth & Agriculture. You can use this space to check the latest updates on the course, ask questions, share information and materials, etc.. As part of the larger GROWL community, you will also be able communicate and collaborate with participants and trainers from different countries. I will talk a bit more about the network and its aims during the course.

To take part in the discussions and share materials, you need to log in to the platform. If you are new to the platform, you should have received an e-mail a few minutes ago, with a link to login and choose your password. If you did not get such an e-mail and don't know your access credentials, you can request a new acess here.

Finally, an important request: to help with the logistics associated with the transport to the course venue, we would like to know your exact arrival and departure times. Please take one minute to fill in your information on this table (just type in, no need to save).

Looking forward to seeing you in Bogoria Górna!



Dear Participants of the Degrowth and Agriculture course. We kindly ask you to read the text in order to participate in the ethnographic exercise we will propose on Saturday. Here you can find the text:


Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen