I am pleased to announce that we are building up the GROWL fundraising team, to start working on strategies and further project applications that support our growing degrowth network!

Currently we have the focus on a resubmission of the RELAIS Eramus+ strategic partnership for adult education (which we submitted last year, was approved but stayed 3% points below the funding line), as well as fundraising for the degrowth caravan. In the last partners meeting, it was also expressed the importance of getting hands on some fund that could support the organisation of workshops and courses by GROWL trainers. Furthermore, we can/should also work on a funding concept for the network that allows its long-term sustainability.

If you have ideas and skills in writing funding applications (esp. in English and German, EU, national, foundations, ...), or experience in whatever form of acquiring funds (e.g. crowdfunding), then write to the international office expressing your motivations and how you think you could help.


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Hello Gualter,

It sounds great!!!

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Hello from Chile! Gualter and everybody, Im interested in participating at the courses in Witzenhausen and Portugal. (As a DAAD Alumni) I wrote DAAD to get Information about funding for a short-visit, in which I can go to both courses.

I got two questions?

Do you have ein Platz für mich at both courses? (I have to know if there is one place for me before I make further movements with the funding)

Do you from the fundraising team know other funding institutions which can cover travelcosts from Chile to Germany?

I´m happy that there are some teachings materials to the different courses already done, with this it is possible to start multiplicate. The last thing, can you have a look at the dates in the portugal course? I noticed they are not consistant, maybe it is possible to correct it? I send the link to the DAAD people ;)

Let me know what you think about my possible visit!



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Count on me!

Sounds a lot of fun! 



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maybe we find time and money for a meeting?! personally those things are so much more fun and productive.....