
Report on any issues in the platform here. Before submitting a new issue, confirm if there's no other post on it. If you believe the issue is generally related to Open Atrium (the underlying distribution) and not specific to co-munity, please create them on the Open Atrium Issue Tracker on


Aufgabe Zugewiesen zu Priorität Typ Status Kommentare Aktualisiertaufsteigend sortieren
Implement image galleries Normal Feature Request Open 0 vor 6 Jahre 7 Monate
Allow exchange/sync of files with Owncloud Normal Feature Request Open 0 vor 6 Jahre 7 Monate
Users are redirected to empty users page on login Gualter Normal Task Open 1 vor 6 Jahre 9 Monate
Allow uploading of .xcf files Normal Feature Request Open 1 vor 6 Jahre 11 Monate
Create space command button does not assign parent Gualter Normal Problem Open 0 vor 7 Jahre 4 Monate
spaces menu view too broad for non-logged/new users Normal Task Open 0 vor 7 Jahre 7 Monate
Remove colorbox for preview of document attachments Gualter High Feature Request Open 5 vor 7 Jahre 8 Monate
No notification on assigning someone to an issue Gualter Normal Task Open 0 vor 7 Jahre 9 Monate
Visibility pane not visible Normal Task Open 1 vor 7 Jahre 9 Monate
Filter doesn't work with issue tracker Gualter Normal Task Open 0 vor 7 Jahre 9 Monate