Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Dear participants of the Solidarity and Cooperative Economy course,

You have now all been inscribed in the GROWL virtual network, as well as in the exchange and communication space for the specific course in Thessaloniki.

Here you can access course materials and informations as they are posted by the course organisers. Over the next days, the course organisers and myself will be filling this space with course information, background materials and suggested readings.

You are also welcome to actively use and contribute to it, by asking any questions or sharing materials with other participants in the forum. To improve the course documentation, we also give the possibility for you to share any notes or pictures that you take during the course.

To publish content, just hit the + button on the top bar (you need to be logged in - access instructions have been automatically sent to you by the system on an earlier e-mail). You can optionally send e-mails to certain people or the whole group of participants, together with any publication on this site. To do so, simply select the appropriate options on the "notifications" box when you publish something.

Looking forward to meeting you in Thessaloniki!


PS: If you have any difficulties logging in or finding your way around you can write me directly - gualter@agroecol.eu


Relevant links:

GROWL community
Solidarity & Cooperative Economy course sub-community


Dear GAP participants,

As we announced at the conference, the co-munity platform will stay online at least up to the next international degrowth conference in 2016 (and probably longer), providing a space for communication and further development of the proposals of the different GAP working groups.

We have received useful feedback from many people, which helped us to plan and implement changes in the structure of the groups, that allow for a better workflow. Furthermore, following the tradition of transparence and inclusion at earlier degrowth conferences and the requests for participation that we received from several people that followed the conference over livestream, we have opened the GAP space and working groups to the public.

Here is a tentative list of the changes and features that will be available to support communication and exchange in and between the GAP groups:

  • each working group will have an own space with its members;

  • working groups and membership applications will be managed by their group administrators. Facilitators will be automatically made group administrators and can then add further admins (this is to be done in the next weeks);

  • it will be possible for anyone, including non-conference participants, to join one or more working groups at any given time (approval by group administrators required);

  • the list of registrations to the working groups has beentransformed into group memberships. If desired, group administrators may remove any users that did not attend the working group;

  • group members can get e-mail notifications on new posts within their group;

  • reply over e-mail to discussion posts will be possible(feature in development, planned for November);

  • scientific papers, workshop reports and other documentation from the conference is going public within the next weeks; referencing them from a working group will therefore be easier. This should allow a stronger connection with diversity of papers, topics and discussions that took place at the conference or elsewhere.

We want to strongly encourage you to keep on using this platform for your groups communication. We are trying to address all the communication and collaboration needs you have, so please do not hesitate to contact us or submit feature requests on https://degrowth.co-munity.net/co-munity/issues. In particular, we would like to discourage you from creating separate mailing lists for your communication, since this would break the logic of interaction and openness of groups that are a cornerstone of the Group-Assembly Process. E-mail notifications and reply-over-email to discussions will hopefully make the creation of separate lists unnecessary.

The GAP team

Andrea, Gualter, Matthias and Susanne






17.30 - 19.00: bus tour/ bike/ walk in Thessaloniki (participants should choose in advance)

19.00 – 20.30: Welcoming, personal introductions and Team Building Exercises

20.30: dinner at Hostel


08.45 – 09.30: Breakfast

09.40 – 09.55: Ice breaker

10.00 – 11.00: Presentation of GROWL (by Gualter Baptista, GROWL coordinator).

11.00 – 12.30: Lecture: A theoretical framework of alternative economic and political spaces with Giorgos Gritzas (Ass. Professor AUTh) and Karolos Kavoulakos (Lecturer AUTh) members of People’s UnivSSE.

12.30 – 13.30: Simulation game on commons and solidarity economy, by Varvarousis Aggelos (PhD cand. ICTA UAB).

13.30 – 15.00: Lunch and presentation of Oikopolis social cente .

15.00 – 16.30: Discussion: Politics, ecology, local institutions and degrowth with Alekos Georgopoulos (Professor AUTh); Lefteris Ioannidis (Mayor of lignite and energy producing Kozani); Christos Adamidis (representative from Skouries movement against the extraction of gold in Chalkidiki).

16.30 – 18.00: Open debate: Growth, austerity and crisis, which way out? Introduced and moderated by Panos Petridis (Researcher SEC Vienna) and Giorgos Kallis (Professor ICTA UAB).

18.30 – 21.00: Public Event (in Greek with translation), “Degrowth, Solidarity Economy and ” with Giorgos Kallis, Giorgos Gritzas, Panos Petridis, Alekos Georgopoulos, Kostas Nikolaou, Karolos Kavoulakos. At Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki (10th floor, Pegagogical School, 3 Septemvriou St., room "LOGOU & TECHNIS").

21.00: dinner and Welcoming Party at Steki Metanaston (migrant social center).


08.45 – 09.30: Breakfast

09.30: Departure for PERKA urban farm (in abandoned military camp of Karatasios)

10.00 – 11.30: presentation of PERKA group (on urban farming).

11.30 – 13.00: bus to VIOME

13.00 – 14.30: Presentation and discussion about VIOME (self-managed factory www.viome.org) and light lunch.

14.30 – 15.30: Bus to Tagarades

17.00 - 19.00: Lecture and Discussion: Degrowth fundamentals (lite module) – with François Schneider (Research and Degrowth).

19.00 – 20.00: GROWL Partner meeting

20.00: Dinner / screening of documentary “In transition 2.0” (Transition Network, 2012, 67')


08.30 – 09.30: Breakfast

09.40 – 09.55: stretching exercises

10.00 – 11.00: Lecture: Dialectical approach and delimitations of the social solidarity economy. Case: the political economy of the water cooperative management, by Kostas Nikolaou (Adj. Professor HOU and member of People's UnivSSE).

11.00 – 12.00: Discussion or Simulation Exercise with Kostas Nikolaou (Adj. Professor HOU and member of People's UnivSSE).

12.00 – 12.15: Break

12.15 – 13.30: Showcase: Producer- consumer networks and cooperatives with Lazaros Aggelou (President of Bios Coop and member of People’s UnivSSE), and Thomas Anemos Papamichos (Agronaftes CSA initiative) and presentation of selected case studies- best practices from participants' countries.

13.30 – 15.00: Lunch

15.00 – 16.30: Workshop: Cooperative economy- from theory to practice - how to set up a cooperative with Dimitris Kitsikopoulos (KAPA network on social economy)

16.30 – 17.20: Lecture: Social solidarity economy: Politics of prefiguration and social transformation, by Alexandros Kioupkiolis (Lecturer AUTh and member of People's UnivSS ).

17.20 – 17.30: Break

17.30 – 18.30: Simulation Exercise by Alexandros Kioupkiolis (Lecturer AUTh and member of People's UnivSSE).

18.30 – 20.00: Showcase: Cooperative working spaces (with representatives from “European Village - Akadimia Platona cooperative cafe and “Allos Tropos” social cooperative) and presentation of selected case studies- best practices from participants' countries.

20.30: Dinner / GROWL partner meeting

21.30: Screening of documentary “Another World” (iliosporoi network, 90', 2013)

SUNDAY 5 OCTOBER at Tagarades

08.30 – 09.30: Breakfast

09.40 – 09.55: Stretching exercises

10.00 – 11.45: Showcase: Barter exchange networks, Complementary currencies & Time banks (with representatives from Koino exchange of goods and services network, ARSIS Time Bank and ΤΕΜ Magnisias and presentation of selected case studies- best practices from participants' countries.

11.45 – 12.00: Break

12.00 – 13.30: Showcase: Eco-communities and self-resilient initiatives (with representatives from Free and Real, Spithari, Nea Gouinea ) and presentation of selected case studies- best practices from participants' countries.

13.30 – 15.00: Lunch

15.00 – 17.00: Visioning workshop – what kind of degrowth do we want? Facilitated by iliosporoi network

17.00 – 18.30: TTT module: Training the degrowth trainers (TTT theory, methods and tools (30 minutes presentation of material collected so far in GROWL) and presentation of GROWL future trainer exercises (1 hour).

18.30 – 18.40: Break

18.40 – 20.30: TTT module: Training the degrowth trainers (simulation exercise for all participants – preparing the assignments – Francois Gillet)

20.30: Dinner / screening of documentary “A new we” (Stefan Wolf, 2010, 116').

22.00: Farewell Party


9.30 – 13.30: GROWL partner meeting


Important Notes:

  1. Throughout the seminar a dedicated Evaluation- Reflections Board will available for input on highs and lows from the participants, as well as, a board to display ideas for future projects.

  1. Participant groups are required to present briefly (max 10 minutes), as input during showcases, some case studies- best practices from each country on the specific issues addressed (1. producer- consumer networks and cooperatives; 2. cooperative working spaces; 3. barter exchange networks, complementary currencies and time banks; 4. eco-communities and self-resilient initiatives).

  1. Speakers are required to send prior to the seminar extended abstracts (1-2 pages in word format) of their presentation (or description of their collective), a Reader (including bibliography, published articles and other useful material) on their subject and a short bio (in word format) of their own. We will collect also the Powerpoints during the seminar and any other material you seem fit. All presentations will be videotaped and all the material gathered will be freely available through GROWL website.

  1. Participant Trainees (potential GROWL trainers) that in Thessaloniki will attend their second GROWL seminar and wish to present their assignment in order to get certification, please let us know beforehand and prepare a 10-15 minutes presentation of your exercise in order to present it during the TTT module at the end of the seminar. Also please send us before the start of the seminar a brief summary of your assignment. 





Paul Krugman, a NYT columnist, published a column that basically supports the idea that climate change mitigation and economic growth can go together. Richard Heinberg, from the Post Carbon Institute, posts a very good answer, which I thought useful to be shared with this working group.

"In a New York Times op-ed published September 18 titled “Errors and Emissions,” economist-columnist Paul Krugman took a swipe at my organization, Post Carbon Institute, lumping us together with the Koch brothers as purveyors of “climate despair.” No, the Koch brothers are not in despair about the climate; apparently our shared error is that we say fighting climate change and growing the economy are incompatible. And, according to Krugman, a new report from the New Climate Economy Project (NCEP) and a working paper from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) show that the falling cost of renewable energy means this is happily not the case.


But in our view Krugman himself is guilty of five critical errors, and three equally serious omissions."

Read more on Post Carbon Institute's blog.


I am very happy to see this group still kind of active.
I also would like to propose just to use the GAP group from now on.
This mailing list is of course still useful, e.g, when we forward another mail
(than I find it to difficult, to copy and past, log in the platform and so on)

But for all other discussions, minutes and other relavant documents we should start to use the plattform

We can write both, german and english and hopefully so nobody get completly excluded.

As you can see on the platform, I already posted a document about childinclusion on events, which I wrote on the influence of our discussions together with Francois from Belgium ( friend of Marie) who is part of our GROWL group.

In the Belgium Course which takes place in November we want to put the document into life and afterwrds we will tell you how it worked.

Also I had the idea to set up a webpage on "Under 18 inclusion" which could be a kind of event consultance.
I was thinkin to advertise the inclusion first in kind of "alternative" congresses, until it get running on itself.
The website should work as an overview.
Event organisers aks themselves:
I want to have some childcare on my event, what do I have to do

On the page there are several sections

-usefull material
-legal stuff
-about rooms
- about the concept of "under 18" and not children

and so on

They can take theses ideas for themselves or get into contact with me ( an others how want to work with me on it!)
We would not set up the childcare on the events, but support groups to do so.

Second idea was a kind of meeting between us, maybe in January or so, so we dont loose the touch and can work on more concrete proposals.
Whatdo you think about this?

All the best


Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen