Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


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Transition Towns:

Concept and movement about how to transform whole world into a more resilient one

Resilience: capacitiy to deal with and overcome crises

Movement started by deep analysers of society - they stated that the current system is not sustainable or resilient, it depends strongly on resources that are not renewable

--> how can we form better systems? (systems approach)

instead of being depressed: development of vision that can be adapted and developed more precisely by local communities

no ideology behind TT

local projects are set up, it's about the contact to the whole community and flexibility to whatever comes

different tools to work with: e.g. peer to peer learning to understand peak oil, depts, ...

-isolating problems make it easy to find so called solutions that actually don't work when you look at the complex system

- we have to deal with uncertainty

- resilient system has to be able to adapt to changes

-we are faces many huge problems like desertification, pesticides, pollution, lack of water, loss of fertile soils...it's about everything (humanity's problems)

- different approaches: e.g. green technology in contrast to buen vivir (What do we really need to lead a good life?)

- can we find a common vision?

Background of Transition movement:

-permacultural ideas of Rob Hobkins and his students --> development of ideas, bringing in principles of permaculture

-nature movement

Transition Town movements deal with many different areas like food, health, economy, mobility...

TT WItzenhausen:

focuses mainly on food & health, making connections but also other issues

projects and campains like edible town, urban gardening, providing fruits that can be picked in the city, local food coops, open kitchen, gift cupboard...

.cultural landscape conservation: conserving local cherry orchards and traditional farming methods

-transition house (activites like sewing, painting, massaging)




ideal: cooperation with everybody


How can the need be fullfilled


  • Keeping a good shape in health
  • take care for yourself and others, than it will come back to you
  • confronting with people
  • strong motivation
  • redistribution of land money and resources
  • built up collektive inteligence
  • real participantary democracy
  • keep water pure
  • negotiate the needs of everyone in the collektive
  • controll of the technologie
  • having time and space to communicate and share
  • unconditional basic income
  • empowering creativity
  • our machines shoudl be easier to repair
  • sharing
  • learning knowledge and skills
  • learning to say no
  • repairing old buildiungs
  • set the limits
  • altourism finishing thinks
  • felxibility reliabilit , responsibility adaptabion versitility
  • feeding the insekts, flowering the gardens
  • nonviolent communication
  • asking
  • defending our rights
  • running vegan cooking classes
  • empathy
  • learn to be content
  • spending time with children is inspiring
  • define needs more precise
  • less resources needed

What are the threats for the movement

  • greenwashing
  • only bio is not enought
  • having good conciouns
  • not regognising real needs and geeting in comsumeristic behavior
  • leaving, sitting ( PC)
  • lack of contacts
  • start now
  • waste of time in wirtual games and internet
  • nanotechnos
  • replacing letters by numbers
  • lack of learning
  • politicians
  • lonelyness
  • antirevolutionary " you can not massage capitalism away"
  • break up of relations and families
  • growth mass production
  • seperation in no levels ( individuals, activities and countrys)
  • lack of continuitiy and reliability
  • recouperation by capitalism
  • Lack of critical reflektion ( esp. animal rights)
  • lack of gender relatetd diskussion
  • romantisizing ( good old life)
  • racing number of burn out plus depression
  • self righteiousness
  • aliens ( or to be seen as one)
  • greedy market based logics
  • idea of competition
  • capitalism
  • the scale dimensions
  • evil chemistry

Parallels to other movements to histroy

  • Boy scout
  • degrowth movement
  • good life for all
  • rousseau : back to nature thoreau
  • unions
  • landlessmovement
  • naturfreunde
  • dezentral beginning
  • zapatista
  • indiginious movement
  • postcolonialism
  • ghandis satyagraha
  • romantic
  • hammisch
  • ecological movement
  • womens movement
  • gay lespian trans movement
  • buen vivir
  • black power and rights
  • nazis
  • peace movement of the 80ties
  • hippies
  • 68ers
  • anarchist movement
  • squaters
  • tao
  • goa people
  • fear of futue crisis, will to change world, into a better world, shared vision, minorities
  • Wagenburg
  • rainbow people
  • liberation theology
  • the diggers 17th century england
  • wooblies
  • grouppi acquisto sociale
  • marxisitic base
  • luddities


Target Group: anyone who is passing by

Short description: A short perfrormance that takes place on the 1st of May at the place where people are gathering to march or any other day and at any other place. The target is to induce people into thinking about the different things that constitute work apart from formalised work which is what we usually refer to when we use the term. After the performance there can be a talk with the participants and the passengers about work in general or more specifically (how we would like it to be, on which parts and notions of work we would like to put more emphasis on etc).

Mehthod: Pop-up in the public place and just do the performance! It can be repeated after some hours because it is supposed to take place in an open space where different people are passing by along the day.

Part 1-formal work: The actors are forming a production line. Someone of them says "work" and the first one is starting to do a "mechanised" and "standartised" move which is his/her part in the production line. After a while the second one makes his/her own move etc...(optional: whistling the song "money" from Pink Floyd :)). 

p.s. Everybody in the line has to pop-in and make his-her move. After while and when all performers are participating to the production...

Part 2-reproduction work: Someone yells "work" and the scene changes into a house where a family is taking care of its needs...Some are caring for the baby, some are preparing the meal etc...

Part 3-participation/politics (??): Again someone says "work" and the scene changes. We are now in an assembly. In our case it was an assembly of the residents of a building trying to decide which colour to use to paint the front of the building.

Part 4-entertainment: "Work" again and now we dance to different rhythms each time and try to produce some kind of music with our bodies in a way that you will see on the video...

Part 5-One of the performers says "the dance of work" and the performers do a dance that consists of repeating one movement typical from each of the four categories of work.

Part 6-By the end of the former we take the observers to dance with us and then we repeat the dance of work once again alltogether. (The word "work" is used to indicate when the movement changes)

Hope i didn't forget something important !


Hier ein paar Zitaten mit Bezug auf Gemeinschaft, die ich für morgen nachmittag gesammelt habe.

Jede Gruppe von 4-5 Menschen kann ein Zettel mit ein Zitat mitnemmen, um ein Reflexion zu provozieren und kritische Denken zu unterstutzen.

Ich habe dem schon ausgedrückt und geschnitten

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.i

Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.ii

What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.iii

In all technologically "advanced" countries, fashion has replaced tradition, so that involuntary membership in a society can no longer provide a feeling of community.iv

A community is the mental and spiritual condition of knowing that the place is shared, and that the people who share the place define and limit the possibilities of each other's lives.v

The original of morals lies with the thought that the community is more valuable than the individual.vi

In heaven all the interesting people are missing. vii

iGeorge Bernard Shaw

ii Anthony Burgess

iii Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

iv Wystan Hugh Auden

v Wendell Berry

vi John Carroll

vii Friedrich Nietzsche

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen