Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


The degrowth theory reader provides an overview of the topics addressed by the theory module. Although this documentation was not directly used in the course (the attached version is a work in progress of the project), it gives a broad overview over the different topics and can be a starting point for those wanting to go deeper into the sources and authors of degrowth.


The GROWL train-the-trainer (TTT) reader provides an overview of the tools and methodologies for trainers and the functioning of the GROWL network.

A "think-about" for course organisers is also attached.


This  document includes all studying and teaching materials which were used during a Czech course on Local Economic Alternatives.

These materials should be useful not only for the participants of the course but also for anybody else who wants to learn more, and possibly also discuss and teach about degrowth. It is a work in progress, and thus any feedback, comments and suggestions for improvements are very welcomed (please contact the authors).

Most of the learning part made use of the so called Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) approach. RWCT provides concrete, practical methods, techniques and strategies integrated into an open but compact system which aims at developing critical thinking and supporting active learning processes. It is based on constructivist pedagogy and builds on the principles of physiological functioning of the human brain which is reflected in the three-stage learning model of E-R-R: Evocation – Realization of meaning – Reflection; see more in the document.

As a supporting studying material, the text by Nadia Johanisova Alternative Economic Systems in Context will be also available on the GROWL web in a next week or two.


These notes were on a reflection round on Saturday morning, about the 2nd day of the course. Feel free to add anything that you find is missing.

- very good input
- concrete
- Pro-action café worked well, it was fast and fluid, despite the tiredness at the end of the day
- Replicated a process, even if only giving a taste, that one can repeat in other context, to come from the information, to the action proposal.
- too less interaction
- too long
- open space too short, does not allow to really enter discussions
- mix the program more (e.g. farm work on each morning, instead the full Saturday)
- have buffer zones in the program for flexibility on it (e.g. allow discussions on certain topics to go deeper)
- give more space to the open space
- bring the topics of the morning to the open space in the afternoon, to link and deepen these topics in relation to degrowth
- more work on synthesis, trying to present the things we learned (as we did with the sources on Thursday)
Requests (for needs to be satisfied by the sources of the group):
- to keep up the good group dynamics and role of the "bitch" (boy in total control of himself) - this role (time keeping, organising energizers, etc.) is very important and should be taken seriously by all course organisers
- to have spaces for reflection every evening
- collect and work on documentation


degrowth = a political vision for a more just society, is it feasible though? (! lets not forget the hegemony is at the moment)

Degrowth (or sustainable degrowth) is a concept calling for economic localization, lower production & consumption in the name of good living conditions for future generations, thus protecting the envirinment and promoting well-being of all (?) individuals.

Sustainability and reasonable balance as an opposition for ideas and practice of permanent development and growth.
One lovely way to make beings acting actres [???]
Way to build alternative for capitalism

Degrowth is a new imaginary opposing the utilitarian imperative of growth. It is based on the idea of democratically led and redistributive downscaling of production and consumption in industrial countries and the global middle class as a means to achieve environmental sustainability, social justice and well-being. Gualter

Degrowth is a way how to create a Heaven on Earth but I’m still afraid that people aren’t able to do that.

Degrowth is a better life with less means. A political slogan that will help rethink and reshape our social and material environment.

- challenges the growth and GDP-oriented paradigm
- calls for realization that eternal growth is neither fair nor possible/realistic
- and that is why alternative ways of life, consumption, distribution, production, relation between the human kind and nature have to be developed & implemented

Degrowth is a slogan that will inspire a rethinking and revaluing of the human position and widen the understanding of the effects of human activity to ensure a better life and wellbeing for present and future generations.

Degrowth challenges the hegemony of growth, the meaning of progress and development, the maximisation of economic utility and calls for a democratically led redistributive ............. same for Demaria et al.

Degrowth needs self-governed people on the basis of sociocracy and the principles:
Caring for the earth
Caring for the people
Fair share of surplus

”Nature” is the sole principle on Planet Earth & we need to ”nurture” it!

Set of more or less connected theories with political implications. They mostly react on unsustainability of current society, its economical and ecological relations in a global perspective.

Degrowth appears to be an ill-defined label applied to activities to reduce consumption and production and to oppose some current economical growth models. It seems like another slogan to me.

Is a way of life that tries or does respect what is surrounding us.

Degrowth can be defined as downscaling of unnecessary production and consumption in order to achieve social justice, well being and equality between all beings. It is like a process to remind us who we really are. A part of the wholeness of this planet. Konstantina

Degrowth is a way of thinking where in the centre is not a single individual but society + earth and future + present.

Degrowth means respect to oneselfes and the place called earth.

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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