Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Here you will find wonderful pictures of degrowth activists posing in a frugal dressing code.

To add a gallery of pictures just create a document page on media (+ sign on the top bar) and add all images and videos (from youtube or vimeo) you want on the attachments.



What is degrowth and where does it come from?

1) to get to know 6 sources of degrowth
2) to see existing possible definitions of degrowth & formulate own ones

Trunk & Roots (+ questions)
What degrowth means according to you?

Peer reading (summary & questions)

Peer teaching - text: Demaria et al. (expert groups & home groups)

5 Definitions of degrowth
- Which sources the definitions accent?
- Which sources are missing?

Writing own definition of degrowth

- Anonymous summaries of your familiarity with degrowth for beginners to adapt to knowledge level
- Disliked being given other definitions which we ended ’copying’ to create our own - ended up dissatisfied with own
- For a broad subject would be good to collect ’cloud’ of words associated with Degrowth; maybe order them ’most degrowth’ -> ’least degrowth’
- Didn’t like unguided expl..... [text missing on photo]
- Make own clear definitions (1/2 sentences) of degrowth at beginning of day to compare to end
- Bring own definitions, texts on degrowth in advance

Thursday Afternoon

To understand & train to use arguments for & against degrowth

Trunk & Roots:
What are the most convincing arguments against degrowth

T-graph: for & against:
Degrowth is the only possibility for sustainable living (taking arguments for & against statement, adding to t-graph)

Pair reading - text: Victor

Guided debate
- group preparation of arguments
- change of position (+/-)
- debate

How was the debate?

- Obligatory reading before the course
- Different types of texts (academic, sci-fi, newspaper, etc)
- More time for developing arguments in the group
- Send a reader in advance

How degrowth (can) looks like in practice - Friday morning

1) get to know concrete practices of degrowth / local economic alternatives
2) understand them through the perspective of degrowth

Trunk & Roots:
What is the best degrowth project you know? Why?

Small groups: (3-6 people, own table):
Formulate criteria of a good degrowth project
(Latouche: Strategies of degrowth)


Table of criteria:
Which aspects/criteria of degrowth you see in presented projects?

- Instruction to presenters to focus on degrowth
- Discuss the criteria of degrowth with speakers
- Connect (link) two activities
- More space for discussion after presentation

Space for own topics - Friday afternoon

1) Create space for remaining questions / issues
2) To develop / support concrete ideas / projects for future

Open localism (Francoisse)

Open Space + harvesting

Pro-Action Cafe + harvesting

- Missing feedback for projects in pro-action cafe -> suggestions from all the group
- Other topic than morning -> missing continuity of the day
- Big gap between passive PPT and active Open Space
- Guiding questions for Open Space?
- Open space too short (not open:)
- Connect explicitly the Open Space topics to the morning (CSA, WWOOF, Open Localism)
- Too much different instructions & activities
- Missing cultural aspects of degrowth
- Missing basic economics concepts (every day:)


Aims: 1) learn from the experience of being participant for own future training practice
2) to understand the E-R-R model & practice it
- Reflection on the structure of the course
- E-R-R model
- Creation of own lesson
- Feedback & learning
- Life after GROWL

Own Lesson 1 - Degrowth for Beginners

Aim: 1) to initiate critical thinking about current system
2) to show them alternatives (degrowth)

E: T-graph - what is good and bad about nowadays world?
Agreement Scale - using answers from T-graph
R: Simple Images
- look at pictures - describe
- raise questions how to change it
Presentation (PPT or video) - space for questions and answers

Own Lesson 2 - Introduction to the Degrowth Political Proposal

Aim: What kind of political proposals fit into degrowth and what is the link between them?

- brainstorm of existing degrowth political proposals (bridge with local context, what is a political proposal?)
- small groups write the proposals on papers and put them on the wall

- physically assign the proposals on the wall into different categories
- find out the linkage (by physically putting a rope from one to another, to another)
- the lecturers explain the narratives

- group create TV spots of their own degrowth proposal (perhaps TV spot is too big assignment)
- presentation to the others


This  document includes all studying and teaching materials which were used during a Czech course on Local Economic Alternatives.

These materials should be useful not only for the participants of the course but also for anybody else who wants to learn more, and possibly also discuss and teach about degrowth. It is a work in progress, and thus any feedback, comments and suggestions for improvements are very welcomed (please contact the authors).

Most of the learning part made use of the so called Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) approach. RWCT provides concrete, practical methods, techniques and strategies integrated into an open but compact system which aims at developing critical thinking and supporting active learning processes. It is based on constructivist pedagogy and builds on the principles of physiological functioning of the human brain which is reflected in the three-stage learning model of E-R-R: Evocation – Realization of meaning – Reflection; see more in the document.

As a supporting studying material, the text by Nadia Johanisova Alternative Economic Systems in Context will be also available on the GROWL web in a next week or two.


Here you find an introduction to GROWL. It still needs to be updated here and there, and also to add some fotos/grafs would be a good idea. It can be some inspiration for a shorter leaflet.

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

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