Dear GROWL participants,

As you probably already know, we are putting together a book about GROWL. With the book we want to have a kind of anthology that both aggregates the modules developed by the different partners, as well as provide the reader with an impression about the "life within GROWL".

For this, we thought of asking participants in the courses to send us some feedback or sentences that we could include across the different chapters, providing the book with a stronger identity of its learners. If you want to make a statement on the importance of GROWL, a critique on a course you attended, glorify the process, tell how nice is our community, or whatever you feel like, please do it until July 12th by replying to this post, providing feedback or writing me a private message. Please mention how you would like to be cited. A selection of quotes for the book will be made by the editorial team but all can be made available online (if you don't want, please mention it on the message you send me).

Furthermore, if you have made nice pictures on the courses you attended and have not yet uploaded them, please do so on the specific course areas (media) - we will be going through them to select the nicest pictures.

Thank you, looking forward to seeing some of you in Portugal and maybe walk together on the caravan :)



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