Dear All, I hope you are doing all very well. I wanted to come to the last growl courses but it is an expensive ride from Chile to Europa.

The topic I opened is to allude to the necessesity of a slide colection at least for the degrowth core course to spread the general idea of degrowth. I have the chances to speak about it here in Chile but really doesnt have time to make slides to speak 1 or 2 hours. I know there are many (experts) collegues in the growl-network who do have some material and maybe are willing to share it. If yes please let me know.

It would be great and would help a lot to rise awareness of the limitatiosn of growth!

Sending greeting from Chile




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Hi Daniel!

There have been several presentations uploaded to this platform, but unfortunately still no effort made to put all together in a place for further use. Maybe you can help there by exploring the content of the different GROWL courses, as well as other degrowth courses in this platform, then putting them together on the materials section?

All materials that have been made publicly available here, except otherwise noted, should be fine to be reused, adapted, remixed.

So, please, feel welcome to collect, improve and share :)

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Hello Gualter, I did find the presentation Francoise did hold in Berlin. Thats what I looked for. But you yourself actually have a good presentation I saw in a class in Witzenhausen. I am far less experiencied than you or francoise in this topics. I think with yours and research and degrowth slides it is possible to make a super collection for the core modul. I could only find from you a nice presentation about the project, not general about degrowth. Francoises presentations is in pdf, it would be nice if you decide which slides to make a common, to have them as slides, for odt or ppt. Greeeetings, Daniel (ps: There are many presentations already available to specific themes, in my eyes, core modul should be strong, probably to bring the general idea of degrowth trough presentations is more efective than a book, because it reaches more people and in a personal way :))