Dear TTT-T (train-the-trainer team),

Today we were supposed to have our sprint end and new planning meeting for the TTT module. However, apart from not advance with the cards on our sprint at all, only me and Fransuisse are here.

We are anyway one very small team, especially after Gilles left. Silvia also communicated that she has no wish or capacity to coordinate it without a budget. And this brings us to the story Invite more people to form part of the next scrum sprint. We didn't work on it, so we are still alone.

I talked with Fransuisse shortly about how to proceed. We are working a bit on cards we are in, therefore expanding the scrum sprint (no final date set) and Fransuisse is going to address this on the next Polish course awareness meeting, trying to see if it's possible to engage anyone from there.

But we should probably set out a date for the sprint end/new sprint planning meeting and send out also a call for more people to join the TTT team then.

We have a lot of material already, published, but most of it needing revision, not to mention that there's no structure at all.

Any more ideas?