Dear participants of the Solidarity and Cooperative Economy course,

You have now all been inscribed in the GROWL virtual network, as well as in the exchange and communication space for the specific course in Thessaloniki.

Here you can access course materials and informations as they are posted by the course organisers. Over the next days, the course organisers and myself will be filling this space with course information, background materials and suggested readings.

You are also welcome to actively use and contribute to it, by asking any questions or sharing materials with other participants in the forum. To improve the course documentation, we also give the possibility for you to share any notes or pictures that you take during the course.

To publish content, just hit the + button on the top bar (you need to be logged in - access instructions have been automatically sent to you by the system on an earlier e-mail). You can optionally send e-mails to certain people or the whole group of participants, together with any publication on this site. To do so, simply select the appropriate options on the "notifications" box when you publish something.

Looking forward to meeting you in Thessaloniki!


PS: If you have any difficulties logging in or finding your way around you can write me directly -


Relevant links:

GROWL community
Solidarity & Cooperative Economy course sub-community